Awareness Brand week GOFUNDME CAMPAIGN is a awareness brand company here to help all people in USA. As a company in the USA we are hurt to the core due to all the violence that we are witnessing in the past 12 months, to help fight some of these issues we are facing we created awareness brand week.
Awareness brand week is to build awareness for our schools, parents, and kids. Please help us help others by donating to our awareness brand week for our Gofundme Campaign, this awareness week is for all kids, schools and parents to teach the dangers we facing throughout our life time.
Our company is willing to raise money for people in need, $1.00 off each sale goes to families or victims in need, so by donating or buying a t-shirt will get us one step closer to our goals to help any, and everyone, in the USA. Awareness week by teamzapparel, is for ALL SCHOOLS IN THE USA THAT WANT TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE SHARE TO HELP US HELP OTHERS THANK YOU ALL.